Thursday, February 14, 2013

Last Saturday, CrossFit Kona teamed up with the Law Enforcement Torch Run to host a benefit competition to raise funds for the Special Olympics. Anyone could enter and compete in the workout. I was lucky to be in the first heat with some of my best buds from CF. The WOD [workout of the day] was an intense 17mins of almost non-stop exercise. There were 5 stations to which we competed for highest reps.
The first minute was wall balls   

the second minute was pull-ups

3rd was box jumps

4th was push-ups

and last was rowing for calories

But that's not all...
gasping for breath you rest one minute and while your judge adds you reps.

The crowd starts to cheer and everyone counts down"Three...Two....One....GO!"

Your rest is over and you pick up that weighted ball. If you're a guy the ball must touch the black paint. If you're a girl it must touch the blue line.

On to the pull ups and chin must be over the bar for these to count

Slowing down you pace the box jumps so that you don't trip.

Dropping to the floor, you make those push ups count. 

It's the last minute of the second round, you know that a break is coming up but this rowing is getting to you. 

You catch your breath and try to slow your racing heart. 

But all you can think about is getting this last round over.

Your shoulders are on fire as you complete your final pull ups

Another minute of box jumps and you didn't trip? This is an achievement!  

If they haven't already, your emotions have complete control of your face.

With the finish line in sight you pull with all your might.

Then the word you have been longing to hear for the past 17 mins


 You can barely scrawl you name as you approve the judges score.

Looking around you realize it was totally worth it.

This was an Special Olympics Athlete that competed.


Anonymous said...

I'm worn out just reading and looking at the sweaty people! Way to go Aunty Patty

Anonymous said...

I love all your pictures....your getting so creative with the angles and getting some really awesome shots....I'm sure that everyone else loved those intense shots too....:)

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